Dubai Police Arrest Gang Members On Forced Gambling Charges

Following a lengthy investigation, Dubai Police have arrested multiple gang members on charges related to a forced gambling den and other racketeering offenses. The relation to a criminal investigation came after several police units reported a disturbance in a suburban area of Dubai. Several squad cars were sent to check on the disruption and they eventually uncovered a horrific gambling den with trafficked victims forced to participate. It is undoubtedly one of the worst gambling-related crimes in the United Arab Emirates history due to its severity and senseless violence employed by the gang members supervising the macabre operation.

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Dubai Police have made several arrests related to gang members running a gambling den in a suburban area of Dubai. The gang members currently awaiting trial are expected to be sentenced within the next few months. ?bulletrain743/Pixabay

Dubai Police were called to the scene after several residents reported several noise disturbances and strange smells coming from a residential neighbourhood building. After receiving this information, senior detectives immediately suspected a gang-related drug operation, and several squad cars were sent to deal with the issue. Fully armed and with intent to fire if fired upon, officers sent into the scene would give harrowing accounts of what they witnessed, but it is among the worst crime scenes in Dubai history.

The gang members were able to lure people into their false operation by issuing fake advertisements on social media, using various platforms to inform the public of the proposal. Of course, this all turned out to be fake, and the people who responded were eventually taken in and forced to remain there for the indefinite future. Forcing them into signing a contract meant they were liable for the electronic gambling operation they had created, effectively making them prosecutable for all the illegal aspects of their online betting site. The people coerced into working for the gang have been compensated and will have no charges against them for obvious reasons.

Two of the gang members are expected to be sentenced very shortly due to the nature of the charges issued against them. The charge sheet is almost endless, including Drug usage and selling, kidnapping and imprisonment, and other racketeering offenses that will surely net them both years behind bars. Only time will tell on the sentencing of the case, but the two men are likely to receive life sentences and could likely spend the rest of their days in a jail cell. Chinese police arrested a team of fraudsters who made $4million in a credit card gambling scam.

Dubai Authorities Disgusted by Awful Crimes

The case dates back to October 2021, and the investigation relating to the arrests has been continuing since early 2020. This one scene has only been running for around a month, but other gang members from the same crime syndicate have been carrying out similar operations all across the city. Local police have been criticized for indecisive action against them, and ministers in government have promised to offer extra support and funding for police to fight against the gang culture which has spread through the country.

According to a testimony given by one of the victims, he and a friend were browsing for work when his colleague spotted the advertisement, and they called up for an interview. Upon arriving at the interview location, they found three others waiting for the same position. An employment officer then appeared brandishing contracts, and once the interviewees refused to sign, gang members appeared threatening extreme violence leaving the victims helpless. All of them were forced to sign, and for the next month, they operated the electronic gambling site.

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